已发布: 30 十一月 2018

Empowering Public-Private Collaboration in Infrastructure: National Infrastructure Acceleration (NIA) approach

The Forum’s National Infrastructure Acceleration (NIA) project, using a model developed and tested across its various national workstreams, designed a standardized governance structure – the NIA Implementation Roadmap – intended to serve as a blueprint for policy-makers to introduce a sustainable model for public-private collaboration in infrastructure investment.

The Forum’s National Infrastructure Acceleration (NIA) project, using a model developed and tested across its various national workstreams, designed a standardized governance structure – the NIA Implementation Roadmap – intended to serve as a blueprint for policy-makers to introduce a sustainable model for public-private collaboration in infrastructure investment.

Based on the NIA’s work in Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia and Viet Nam, the roadmap highlights a series of activities that have proven to be effective in successfully implementing national infrastructure acceleration at the country level. This includes detailed guidance on how to execute the steps needed to implement acceleration, how to select key stakeholders and create national working groups, methods to ensure a host government’s engagement throughout the process and how to develop indicators to help track progress against roadmap milestones.


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