已发布: 9 三月 2017

Building Foundations for Trust and Integrity

Building Foundations for Trust and Integrity looks at how developing trust for public-private cooperation can address corruption in Latin America using Mexico as a case study. The report is part of the third phase of the Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) project to address the needs of the Infrastructure and Urban Development industries (IU). Mexico has experienced unprecedented civic mobilisation to curb corruption and has the potential to become a regional model for reform.

Building Foundations for Trust and Integrity looks at how developing trust for public-private cooperation can address corruption in Latin America using Mexico as a case study. The report is part of the third phase of the Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) project to address the needs of the Infrastructure and Urban Development industries (IU). Mexico has experienced unprecedented civic mobilisation to curb corruption and has the potential to become a regional model for reform.


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