How will the US-China trade war affect corporate America?
American multinationals may like the idea of forcing China to alter the policies and practices – from subsidies for state-owned enterprises to the requirement that foreign firms share pro...
American multinationals may like the idea of forcing China to alter the policies and practices – from subsidies for state-owned enterprises to the requirement that foreign firms share pro...
The world has a demand problem, and it is dealing with it all wrong. Rather than allowing itself to be harmed by other countries’ problematic policies, China must work to create its own d...
As the risk of a US-China trade war mounts, creating a geopolitically neutral and fair monetary system has become increasingly urgent. The shift from a unipolar to a multipolar world orde...
香港 - 中国数字经济不容小觑。如今,中国已经在全球电子商务领域拥有42%的份额,还集中了全球最成功的三分之一的科技创业公司,中国的移动支付规模也是美国的11倍,但对中国来说,发展数字经济,依旧面临重重挑战。
Hong Kong – China’s digital economy is a force to be reckoned with. The country now accounts for 42% of global e-commerce, boasts one-third of the world’s most successful tech startups, a...
HONG KONG – L'économie numérique de la Chine a de plus en plus de poids. Elle représente 42% du commerce électronique mondial, les payements par téléphone mobile y sont 11 fois plus nombr...
En las últimas cuatro décadas, China ha pasado de ser un proveedor de salarios bajos a convertirse en uno de los tres eslabones más importantes en la cadena de valor global, junto con Est...
Over the past four decades, China has gone from being a low-wage supplier to one of the three most important links in the global value chain, alongside the United States and Germany. Desp...
Donald Trump’s rise to power in the United States involved more than a little China-bashing. Yet, with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Trump’s Florida estate earlier this month, i...
中国一线城市(北、上、广、深)的房价一直在上涨。 现如今,中国一线城市房子的单位价格,已经赶上了世界上最昂贵城市(纽约、伦敦、香港)均价的一半。 在房价泡沫崩溃之前,中国需要为这个市场里的资本压力找到出口,而这就需要着眼于中国广袤大地上的城市化进程,而不仅仅局限在四个一线城市。 当然,住房状况在四个一线城市还是最为紧迫。 中国政府已经迅速推动“限购令”来冷却过度高涨的市...
Residential property prices in China’s first-tier cities – Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen – are back up. A home there now runs buyers half as much as a home in the world’s mos...
For more than three decades, Asia has experienced faster economic growth than any other region. As it has developed, Asia has been exporting its savings, through a trade surplus with the ...
At the recently concluded World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Chinese President Xi Jinping mounted a robust defense of globalization, reaffirming his country’s “ope...