Robots are rapidly changing the way we live and work. Whether helping us navigate dangerous terrains or supporting farming efforts, programmable machines are transforming many industries ...
La tecnología avanza a un ritmo asombroso y mantenerse al día de las nuevas tendencias en diferentes campos puede ser un desafío. Para facilitar esa tarea, hemos reunido cinco informes cl...
Technology is moving forward at an astounding pace and keeping on top of new trends in different fields can be challenging. To help, we’ve brought together five key reports from the World...
As an aeronautical engineer and former astronaut, Soichi Noguchi knows more about what makes a successful team than most. He has spent 344 days in space and is only the third person to ha...
Hace una década, la función de Director de Sostenibilidad (Chief Sustainability Officer o CSO en inglés) no existía en muchas organizaciones. Pero con los peligros relacionados con el cam...
A decade ago, the role of Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) did not exist in many organizations. But with climate change-related risks dominating the long-term global risks identified by...
"Nací amando a los animales y amando la naturaleza, y aprendí estando en la naturaleza".
“I was born loving animals and loving nature, and I learned by being out in nature.”
"Una simple 'vuelta' al crecimiento del PIB (producto interior bruto) no es suficiente. En su lugar, cada país debe emprender un viaje único y complejo hacia la consecución de un crecimie...
“A simple ‘return’ to GDP (gross domestic product) growth is not enough. Instead, each country must undertake a unique and complex journey towards achieving innovative, inclusive, sustain...