Francisco Betti is a Member of the Executive Committee and heads the Global Industries Team of the Forum, which brings together 20+ industry communities to help companies and sectors anticipate current and future trends and accelerate the responsible transformation industries. Before this role, Francisco lead the Forum's Centre for Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains. The Centre has been helping global leaders form business, government, academia, and civil society anticipate the impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies on manufacturing and supply networks. Leaders engaged in the Centre have been setting and driving the global manufacturing agenda and incubating new pilots and partnerships to ensure a more productive, sustainable, and inclusive future of production. Prior to joining the World Economic Forum, Francisco worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers SA in Geneva, Switzerland, primarily on management consulting assignments for international organizations.
El sector de viajes y turismo se encuentra en un emocionante proceso de transformación. Tras superar los desafíos planteados por la pandemia de COVID-19, la industria no solo se está recu...
The travel and tourism sector is on an exciting journey of transformation. Emerging from the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry is not just recovering; it’s thriving!...
China’s current economic story is one of transition rather than decline. The factors that have previously driven its high growth in gross domestic product (GDP) are receding, such as real...
The idea of an industrial metaverse has attracted a great deal of interest over the last 12 months. It describes, in short, a highly immersive and connected virtual and physical reality e...
Industries and governments have set ambitious environmental targets for the next 10–20 years. They aim to achieve supply-chain resilience, reach net zero and dramatically reduce waste, al...
To date, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has been marked by a deluge of new, and disruptive, technology innovations. In many cases, manufacturers have merely tried to survive this onslau...
As the adage goes, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link; and when it comes to the current state of global supply chains, weakness remains evident everywhere, upstream and downstr...
The world of industrial operations is changing, and manufacturing companies are under considerable pressure. Challenges include rising economic pressure, the sustainability imperative, vo...
Members of the Global Lighthouse Network have become a source of inspiration. With more than 100 sites worldwide, they are beacons of light showing the potential of digital transformation...
The manufacturing industry is at a critical moment in its history.
A stark picture of the future of our planet was painted when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently released its Sixth Assessment Report.