Forget passwords, make unicorns pay and other top stories of the week
Young and hope to retire at 65? Better save 40% of your paycheck.⇒ Explore: Ageing
BA, Oxford University; MBA, London Business School. 1988, journalist and news executive with CBS News, ITN, Sky News. 2005, Professor, Head of Journalism, City, University of London. Was with the World Economic Forum from 2009 to 2023: 2009, Managing Director, Head of Communications and Media; and later as Member of the Managing Board, Head of Foundations and Public Engagement. 2005-06, President, Britain's Media Society. Member: BAFTA; Royal Television Society. Co-Author: Crunch Time - How Everyday Life Is Killing the Future (2007); Can You Trust The Media? (2008). Recipient of awards.
Young and hope to retire at 65? Better save 40% of your paycheck.⇒ Explore: Ageing
The Amazon is drying out. Alarming data from NASA and a source of hope.⇒ Explore: Biodiversity
What if we beat climate change? Visualizing life in a “CO-topia”.⇒ Explore: Climate change
The most in-demand soft skill—and how leaders can teach it.⇒ Explore: Workforce and Employment
Short-termism is destroying the world. Better scorekeeping can help save it.⇒ Explore: Future of Economic Progress
Feeling burned out at work? In the UK and US, you’re in the majority.⇒ Explore: Mental health
5 trends in the global economy from the new Global Competitiveness Report.⇒ Explore: Future of Economic Progress
Beautiful women, righteous men. What 3.5 million books say about gender. ⇒ Explore: Gender equalitySkeptical Americans. Opinions on climate change by country.⇒ Explore: Climate action
‘We’re unstoppable.’ What happened at the sustainability summit.⇒ Explore: Sustainable DevelopmentEverything you know about poverty is wrong. Time for a new approach.⇒ Explore: SDG 01: No...
You’d be lucky to study here. The world’s best universities.⇒ Explore: Education and Skills
$86 trillion in one chart. The world economy, country by country.⇒ Explore: Geo-economics
Africa has the wealth to invest. To unleash growth, end extreme inequality.⇒ Explore: Africa
How to save the Amazon: scale up these solutions that work.⇒ Explore: Forests
That fish is not what you think it is. Seafood fraud is rampant.⇒ Explore: Agriculture, Food and Beverage
Concerned about flying’s carbon footprint? Meet Alice, the future of flight.⇒ Explore: AerospaceInnovate more, use less. Acting to avoid a looming water shortage.⇒ Explore: Water