- 发布雄心勃勃、符合1.5摄氏度要求的《国家自定贡献》,到2030年将排放量减半
- 在稳健的政策和过渡目标的支持下,承诺到2050年实现净零排放
- 确保发达国家兑现并超过其支持发展中国家减缓和适应气候变化的1000亿美元的承诺,同时确保主要发展融资机构在其贷款组合中遵守科学的指导方针
- 建立以市场为基础、有意义且被广泛接受的碳定价机制,提高碳价格,提高低碳技术的竞争力,并通过在全球互联碳市场上开展国际合作来控制排放
- 迫使所有企业制定可靠的脱碳目标,使用一致的标准全面披露所有范围内的排放量,并披露与气候相关的风险和机遇
- 取消化石燃料补贴,降低气候友好型商品的关税
- 促进绿色技术创新的研发和资金支持,包括推广现有的、经过验证的跨价值链方案(特别是在碳密集型部门),扩大碳去除规模
- 对气候适应性进行投资:通过推广自然灾害防御和风险转移方案,比如通过促进气候适应性、实现可持续的粮食生产以及确保供水,创建高韧性的城市和基础设施
- 实施一套针对具体部门的激励措施和行动方案,包括:
1. Søren Skou, Chief Executive Officer, A.P. Møller-Maersk
2. Björn Rosengren, Chief Executive Officer, ABB
3. Julie Sweet, Chief Executive Officer, Accenture
4. José Manuel Entrecanales, Chief Executive Officer, ACCIONA
5. Oliver Bäte, Chief Executive Officer, Allianz
6. Alan Belfield, Group Chair, Arup
7. Pascal Soriot, Chief Executive Officer, AstraZeneca
8. Thomas Buberl, Chief Executive Officer, AXA
9. Manny Maceda, Chief Executive Officer, Bain & Company
10. Martin Brudermüller, Chief Executive Officer, BASF
11. Werner Baumann, Chief Executive Officer, Bayer
12. Carlos Torres Vila, Chairman, BBVA
13. Michel Vounatsos, Chief Executive Officer, Biogen
14. Rich Lesser, Chief Executive Officer, Boston Consulting Group
15. Aiman Ezzat, Chief Executive Officer, Capgemini
16. Ion Yadigaroglu, Managing Partner, Capricorn Investment Group
17. Cees 't Hart, Chief Executive Officer, Carlsberg
18. Mahendra Singhi, Managing Director and CEO, Dalmia Cement
19. Kim Fausing, President and Chief Executive Officer, Danfoss
20. Punit Renjen, Global Chief Executive Officer, Deloitte
21. Wendy Clark, Chief Executive Officer, Dentsu International
22. Frank Appel, Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Post DHL
23. Francesco Starace, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, Enel
24. Catherine MacGregor, Chief Executive Officer, Engie Group
25. Carmine Di Sibio, Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, EY
26. Poul Due Jensen, Chief Executive Officer, Grundfos
27. Helena Helmersson, Chief Executive Officer, H&M Group
28. Dolf van den Brink, Chief Executive Officer, HEINEKEN
29. Antonio Neri, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
30. Ignacio S. Galán, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Iberdrola
31. Pablo Isla, Chairman, Inditex
32. Salil Parekh, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Infosys
33. Steven van Rijswijk, Chief Executive Officer, ING
34. Jesper Brodin, Chief Executive Officer, Ingka Group I IKEA
35. Steve Demetriou, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Jacobs Engineering Group
36. Christian Ulbrich, Chief Executive Officer, JLL
37. George R. Oliver, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Johnson Controls International
38. Alex Liu, Managing Partner and Chairman of the Board, Kearney
39. Bill Thomas Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, KPMG International
40. Tex Gunning, Chief Executive Officer, LeasePlan
41. Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer, Lenzing Group
42. Hak Cheol Shin, Chief Executive Officer, LG Chem
43. H.S.H. Prince Max von und zu Liechtenstein, Chairman, LGT
44. Anand Mahindra, Chairman, Mahindra Group
45. Alain Bejjani, Chief Executive Officer, Majid Al Futtaim
46. Jonas Prising, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Manpower Group
47. Mike Haigh, Chair of the Executive Board, Mott MacDonald
48. Mark Schneider, Chief Executive Officer, Nestlé
49. Tom Palmer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Newmont Corporation
50. Vas Narasimhan, Chief Executive Officer, Novartis
51. Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen, Chief Executive Officer, Novo Nordisk
52. Ester Baiget, Chief Executive Officer, Novozymes
53. Philippe Knoche, Chief Executive Officer, Orano
54. Mads Nipper, Group President and Chief Executive Officer, Ørsted
55. Torben Möger Pedersen, Chief Executive Officer, Pension Denmark
56. Ramon Laguarta, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, PepsiCo
57. Robert E. Moritz, Global Chairman, PwC
58. Dimitri De Vreeze, Co-CEO, Royal DSM
59. Feike Sybesma, Honorary Chairman, Royal DSM, Co-chair, Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders
60. Frans van Houten, Chief Executive Officer, Royal Philips
61. Mark Benioff, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce
62. Christian Levin, President and Chief Executive Officer, Scania
63. Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Schneider Electric
64. Roland Busch, Chief Executive Officer, Siemens
65. Erik Rondolat, Chief Executive Officer, Signify
66. Dr. Ilham Kadri, Solvay SA
67. Bill Winters, Group Chief Executive Officer, Standard Chartered Bank
68. Takeshi Niinami, Suntory Holdings
69. Christian Mumenthaler, Group Chief Executive Officer, Swiss Re
70. J. Erik Fyrwald, Chief Executive Officer, Syngenta Group
71. Christophe Weber, President and Chief Executive Officer, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company
72. Börje Ekholm, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ericsson
73. Michael W. Lamach, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Trane Technologies
74. Alan Jope, Chief Executive Officer, Unilever
75. Henrik Andersen, President and Chief Executive Officer, Vestas Wind Systems
76. Thierry Delaporte, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Wipro
77. Svein Tore Holsether, Chief Executive Officer and President, Yara
78. Wolf-Henning Scheider, Chief Executive Officer, ZF Friedrichshafen
79. Mario Greco, Chief Executive Officer, Zurich Insurance Company
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