已发布: 21 九月 2022

The Untapped Potential of Great Green Wall Value Chains: An Action Agenda to Scale Restoration in the Sahel

This report, commissioned by the World Economic Forum’s 1t.org initiative, explores the untapped opportunities from tree crop value chains in the Sahel’s Great Green Wall – one of the most ambitious land restoration projects in the world. It calls on stakeholders to pursue an action agenda to leverage commercially-viable landscape restoration in the region and support systemic value chain development. This approach will deliver environmental, social and economic benefits for the Great Green Wall.

This report, commissioned by the World Economic Forum’s 1t.org initiative, explores the untapped opportunities from tree crop value chains in the Sahel’s Great Green Wall – one of the most ambitious land restoration projects in the world. It calls on stakeholders to pursue an action agenda to leverage commercially-viable landscape restoration in the region and support systemic value chain development. This approach will deliver environmental, social and economic benefits for the Great Green Wall.


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