已发布: 31 八月 2020

Rebounding from COVID-19: MENA perspectives on resilience in manufacturing and supply systems

The COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to disrupt both manufacturing and global supply chains. Governments in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have responded quickly by restricting the movement of people in order to contain the virus. Despite a heterogenous healthcare system readiness across the region, MENA countries were able to limit the number of cases below the rates experienced in some European and Asian countries. However, the pandemic is having a dramatic economic impact, as seen by drops in oil and tourism revenues, and has sparked debate about the viability of global supply chains and the region’s strategic position within them.

The COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to disrupt both manufacturing and global supply chains. Governments in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have responded quickly by restricting the movement of people in order to contain the virus. Despite a heterogenous healthcare system readiness across the region, MENA countries were able to limit the number of cases below the rates experienced in some European and Asian countries. However, the pandemic is having a dramatic economic impact, as seen by drops in oil and tourism revenues, and has sparked debate about the viability of global supply chains and the region’s strategic position within them.

This executive report builds on the Regional Action Group’s insight and on the Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing and Production activities, in collaboration with Kearney, and provides key perspectives captured from interactions with leaders from the region around building capabilities to increase resilience.


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