已发布: 24 十月 2013

Young Global Leaders - Sharing Economy Innovation

This paper represents the effort of various Young Global Leaders (YGLs) in placing the sharing economy on the global agenda, underscoring its significance for actors in the private, public and civil society sectors.  Emanating from the YGL Circular Economy Innovation and New Business Models Dialogue, the work identifies the history, characteristics and exemplary models of the sharing economy.  As well, the paper steers the sharing economy dialogue toward the coming years by investigating future challenges and societal implications of the movement.  Finally, recommendations are offered for business and public sector leaders and policymakers throughout the world.

This paper represents the effort of various Young Global Leaders (YGLs) in placing the sharing economy on the global agenda, underscoring its significance for actors in the private, public and civil society sectors.  Emanating from the YGL Circular Economy Innovation and New Business Models Dialogue, the work identifies the history, characteristics and exemplary models of the sharing economy.  As well, the paper steers the sharing economy dialogue toward the coming years by investigating future challenges and societal implications of the movement.  Finally, recommendations are offered for business and public sector leaders and policymakers throughout the world.


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