已发布: 22 四月 2013

World Economic Forum on Latin America Delivering Growth, Strengthening Societies

The 2013 World Economic Forum on Latin America convened the presidents of Mexico, Panama and Peru, numerous prominent public and private sector leaders, and civil society and academic experts to debate how to deliver growth and strengthen the foundations of societies across the region. More than 650 participants took part, representing young leaders, social entrepreneurs, businesses, universities and governments from across Latin America and around the world. The meeting counted on the full support of President Ollanta Humala and the Government of Peru.

The 2013 World Economic Forum on Latin America convened the presidents of Mexico, Panama and Peru, numerous prominent public and private sector leaders, and civil society and academic experts to debate how to deliver growth and strengthen the foundations of societies across the region. More than 650 participants took part, representing young leaders, social entrepreneurs, businesses, universities and governments from across Latin America and around the world. The meeting counted on the full support of President Ollanta Humala and the Government of Peru.


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