已发布: 28 五月 2014

World Economic Forum on Africa: Forging Inclusive Growth, Creating Jobs

While maintaining its remarkable growth trajectory, Africa stands to benefit from its significant demographic dividend fuelled by a youthful population and growing consumer-related industries. But Africa’s leaders need to continue to extend cooperation, strengthen institutions, implement innovative policies and scale up investments if they are to ensure that pressing needs such as creating jobs, reducing poverty and lowering inequality are addressed. Redesigning growth models, deepening investment partnerships and accelerating society’s transformation are therefore critical to success in this new leadership context.With these elements in mind, the 24th World Economic Forum on Africa convened over 1,000 regional and global leaders from business, government and civil society from more than 70 countries to discuss innovative structural reforms and investments to sustain the region’s growth while creating jobs and prosperity for its citizens. 

While maintaining its remarkable growth trajectory, Africa stands to benefit from its significant demographic dividend fuelled by a youthful population and growing consumer-related industries. But Africa’s leaders need to continue to extend cooperation, strengthen institutions, implement innovative policies and scale up investments if they are to ensure that pressing needs such as creating jobs, reducing poverty and lowering inequality are addressed. Redesigning growth models, deepening investment partnerships and accelerating society’s transformation are therefore critical to success in this new leadership context.With these elements in mind, the 24th World Economic Forum on Africa convened over 1,000 regional and global leaders from business, government and civil society from more than 70 countries to discuss innovative structural reforms and investments to sustain the region’s growth while creating jobs and prosperity for its citizens. 


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