已发布: 26 七月 2011

World Economic Forum on Africa 2011

The World Economic Forum celebrated 21 years of partnership and engagement in Africa with a successful meeting in Cape Town, South Africa which brought together more than 900 leaders representing 60 countries worldwide. This year’s theme From Vision to Action: Africa’s Next Chapter reflected the positive momentum across the continent largely driven by global demand and domestic dynamism. Discussions focused on specific actions, policies and innovative new partnerships that have made Africa one of the fastest-growing regions in the world. The meeting was also an important platform for leaders to assess key challenges and risks, as well as the underlying components of the region’s competiveness.

The World Economic Forum celebrated 21 years of partnership and engagement in Africa with a successful meeting in Cape Town, South Africa which brought together more than 900 leaders representing 60 countries worldwide. This year’s theme From Vision to Action: Africa’s Next Chapter reflected the positive momentum across the continent largely driven by global demand and domestic dynamism. Discussions focused on specific actions, policies and innovative new partnerships that have made Africa one of the fastest-growing regions in the world. The meeting was also an important platform for leaders to assess key challenges and risks, as well as the underlying components of the region’s competiveness.


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