已发布: 11 十二月 2023

Wiring the Community Health Worker: A Winning Strategy for NCD Care

This report by the World Economic Forum, written in collaboration with Mercer Marsh Benefits, focuses the narrative on the amplified impact of digital health in the hands of a trusted healthcare workforce: community health workers.

This report by the World Economic Forum, written in collaboration with Mercer Marsh Benefits, focuses the narrative on the amplified impact of digital health in the hands of a trusted healthcare workforce: community health workers.

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), especially cardiometabolic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, are among the 21st century’s most pressing health challenges. Improving the capacity of health systems to mitigate the negative impacts of NCDs is of paramount importance – particularly in early diagnosis, effective treatment and sustained management.

With 4.5 billion people living without essential health services, digital solutions can truly transform healthcare. However, they must not amplify existing disparities but rather aim to reduce premature deaths from NCDs across all populations. The World Economic Forum’s Digital Health Action Alliance was formed with the ambition of highlighting opportunities for digital tools to improve chronic condition outcomes, and to do so with an equitable intent.


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