已发布: 17 一月 2022

Winning the Race to Net Zero: The CEO Guide to Climate Advantage

Global climate action is gaining momentum, with governments and businesses setting targets unthinkable even three to four years ago. An accelerating net-zero transition will challenge heritage business models, but also create opportunities for early movers. This report illustrates how climate leaders can seize significant advantage and shows how their leadership can have an outsized impact. They are changing the game – and compelling others to follow. CEOs across all sectors need to navigate an unprecedented global transformation. On the path to net zero, they must successfully transform their strategy, operations, business portfolio and organization. There is no blueprint for what lies ahead, but this report offers invaluable guidance on what to look out for and which moves to consider.

Global climate action is gaining momentum, with governments and businesses setting targets unthinkable even three to four years ago. An accelerating net-zero transition will challenge heritage business models, but also create opportunities for early movers. This report illustrates how climate leaders can seize significant advantage and shows how their leadership can have an outsized impact. They are changing the game – and compelling others to follow. CEOs across all sectors need to navigate an unprecedented global transformation. On the path to net zero, they must successfully transform their strategy, operations, business portfolio and organization. There is no blueprint for what lies ahead, but this report offers invaluable guidance on what to look out for and which moves to consider.


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