已发布: 14 十一月 2023

Unleashing Business Model Innovation in US Manufacturing

Manufacturing is the main engine of innovation in the US. This white paper, an outcome of the ongoing partnership between the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains and the US Center for Advanced Manufacturing, aims to shed light on the technology trends that present an opportunity for manufacturers to innovate and reinvent business models, as well as the barriers hindering implementation.

Manufacturing is the main engine of innovation in the US. This white paper, an outcome of the ongoing partnership between the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains and the US Center for Advanced Manufacturing, aims to shed light on the technology trends that present an opportunity for manufacturers to innovate and reinvent business models, as well as the barriers hindering implementation.

The paper also introduces the new Playbook for Business Model Innovation in US Manufacturing, which is a starting point to a transformative journey for US manufacturers, offering comprehensive best-practice approaches, real-world use cases and guiding questions to inform leaders on where to begin or enhance business model innovation.


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