已发布: 8 十一月 2012

White Paper on Energy 2050: What Does It Take for Reality to Meet Aspirations?

This white paper on energy 2050 raises 10 questions that must be addressed in the development of new energy architecture. Today there is a large disconnect between how people hope to live in 2050 and what the energy system is on track to deliver to help them get there. The white paper combines insights about potential visions for that future, with a focus on the types of solutions that are required to achieve change on the scale that is needed.The energy 2050 paper emphasises the need to address the most relevant issues – those relating to the enjoyment of energy by people living in non OECD countries, both to fuel growth in living standards and also to ensure basic access to energy for billions of people. Solutions must be affordable and achievable in those countries.The narrative of the paper is underlined by insights from current and future leaders and experts from various industries and sectors, including: energy security, urban design, engineering and biotechnology, which together point to a range of possibilities that can enable an energy architecture that serves the needs of everyone.  The paper is structured around three main topics: breaking the link between economic growth and energy use; reducing energy consumption; and increasing the possibilities of achieving real change towards new energy architecture.The work is not intended to end a conversation, but to begin one: how do people hope to live in 2050, and how can energy play its part? 

This white paper on energy 2050 raises 10 questions that must be addressed in the development of new energy architecture. Today there is a large disconnect between how people hope to live in 2050 and what the energy system is on track to deliver to help them get there. The white paper combines insights about potential visions for that future, with a focus on the types of solutions that are required to achieve change on the scale that is needed.The energy 2050 paper emphasises the need to address the most relevant issues – those relating to the enjoyment of energy by people living in non OECD countries, both to fuel growth in living standards and also to ensure basic access to energy for billions of people. Solutions must be affordable and achievable in those countries.The narrative of the paper is underlined by insights from current and future leaders and experts from various industries and sectors, including: energy security, urban design, engineering and biotechnology, which together point to a range of possibilities that can enable an energy architecture that serves the needs of everyone.  The paper is structured around three main topics: breaking the link between economic growth and energy use; reducing energy consumption; and increasing the possibilities of achieving real change towards new energy architecture.The work is not intended to end a conversation, but to begin one: how do people hope to live in 2050, and how can energy play its part? 


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