已发布: 1 九月 2022

Using Digital Technology for a Green and Just Recovery in Cities

This report makes a case for the need for systematic digitalization in cities, the need to pursue an outcomes-based planning, design and implementation of digitalization projects, the strategic role of data, the leadership and governance required and how to build a digitally enabled city. The report provides a digital maturity model and a 10-step action plan. These tools are intended to help city administrations identify their status quo with respect to digital capabilities, and derive promising measures for cities to develop the structures and capabilities required to utilize digital technologies for a green and just recovery.

This report makes a case for the need for systematic digitalization in cities, the need to pursue an outcomes-based planning, design and implementation of digitalization projects, the strategic role of data, the leadership and governance required and how to build a digitally enabled city. The report provides a digital maturity model and a 10-step action plan. These tools are intended to help city administrations identify their status quo with respect to digital capabilities, and derive promising measures for cities to develop the structures and capabilities required to utilize digital technologies for a green and just recovery.


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