已发布: 11 十一月 2024

Unpacking Cyber Resilience

In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, cyber threats are becoming increasingly complex. Recognizing that individuals and organizations cannot prevent all malicious attacks or cyber failures, while embracing the opportunities that digital communication brings, has led to the rise of cyber resilience. This white paper unpacks the concept of cyber resilience, outlining the evolution of the cyber paradigm and establishes a concept of successful cyber resilience.

In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, cyber threats are becoming increasingly complex. Recognizing that individuals and organizations cannot prevent all malicious attacks or cyber failures, while embracing the opportunities that digital communication brings, has led to the rise of cyber resilience. This white paper unpacks the concept of cyber resilience, outlining the evolution of the cyber paradigm and establishes a concept of successful cyber resilience.

Cyber resilience goes beyond cybersecurity, preventing attacks or simply getting back to operations-as-usual – it is about an organization’s ability to minimize the impact of significant cyber incidents on its primary goals and objectives. The primary goals and objectives can be different for each organization but will always include the protection of critical service delivery, stakeholder confidence and the principal assets that underpin value and position in the market.


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