已发布: 17 六月 2022

Unlocking the Shared Value of Smart City Data: A Protocol for Action

Smart city technologies and the Internet of Things offer tremendous potential to transform urban life. Deployed safely and correctly, they can be harnessed to improve the lives of residents, businesses, and visitors in everything from traffic and city operations to waste management to public health and safety.

Smart city technologies and the Internet of Things offer tremendous potential to transform urban life. Deployed safely and correctly, they can be harnessed to improve the lives of residents, businesses, and visitors in everything from traffic and city operations to waste management to public health and safety.

But less than 1% of the vast volume of IoT data is fully used. Its potential has been hampered by fractured regulation and policymaking, failure to address privacy concerns, siloed data sources and the absence of business models. A strong governance framework is critical.

This white paper proposes a framework for the dynamic exchange of IoT data, one that enables trust between providers, platform operators and end-users, and protects the rights and interests of all parties.

This publication is related to the World Economic Forum’s G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance and Data for Common Purpose Initiative (DCPI).


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