已发布: 8 七月 2024

Unlocking Private Sector Investment into Natural Climate Solutions in India

This report analyses the business case for investing in natural climate solutions (NCS) in India, based on a survey of some of the country’s largest companies.

This report analyses the business case for investing in natural climate solutions (NCS) in India, based on a survey of some of the country’s largest companies.

The findings highlight a robust corporate commitment to sustainability. Notably, 86% agree there is a business case for NCS investments, citing benefits such as carbon sequestration for net-zero goals, improved brand reputation and increased business resilience. However, private sector investments currently lag far behind what is needed.

Amid rising climate-related risks, which could cost India 6.4% of its GDP at 2°C of warming, escalating to over 10% at 3°C, NCS emerge as a vital strategy. With an estimated 30% of forestland in India considered degraded, NCS offer a comprehensive solution that benefits ecology, people and planet by emphasizing conservation and restoration efforts.

This white paper, part of 1t.org's efforts in India, aims to provide guidance on existing and upcoming policies while fostering public-private partnerships for forest landscape conservation and restoration. It offers insights, opportunities and recommendations for a sustainable future, urging more substantial private sector participation to address climate risks and degraded forestlands effectively.

The report is a collaborative effort by the World Economic Forum, the Confederation of Indian Industry and IORA Ecological Solutions.


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