已发布: 28 九月 2021

Unlocking Large-Scale, Long-Term Capital for Sustainable Mobility: Introducing Key Mobility Investment Archetypes

The transportation sector is the third largest contributor to global GHG emissions, and the only sector where emissions are still increasing even in developed countries, making it vital in our climate crisis battle. Yet the current pace of transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) to zero-emission vehicles is unlikely to be sufficient, largely due to lack of coordinated large scale financing and business models that can attract it. The Forum in collaboration with McKinsey & Company has launched a joint report, Unlocking Large-Scale, Long-Term Capital for Sustainable Mobility: Introducing Key Mobility Investment Archetypes, that introduces six sustainable mobility investment cases. These sustainable mobility investment cases propose collaborative solutions to collective transition barriers along the domestic transport sub-asset classes that make up 95% of emissions in the sector: buses, passenger cars, trucks, and last mile delivery vehicles – plus charging infrastructure, which is a key enabler for all sub-asset classes.

The transportation sector is the third largest contributor to global GHG emissions, and the only sector where emissions are still increasing even in developed countries, making it vital in our climate crisis battle. Yet the current pace of transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) to zero-emission vehicles is unlikely to be sufficient, largely due to lack of coordinated large scale financing and business models that can attract it. The Forum in collaboration with McKinsey & Company has launched a joint report, Unlocking Large-Scale, Long-Term Capital for Sustainable Mobility: Introducing Key Mobility Investment Archetypes, that introduces six sustainable mobility investment cases. These sustainable mobility investment cases propose collaborative solutions to collective transition barriers along the domestic transport sub-asset classes that make up 95% of emissions in the sector: buses, passenger cars, trucks, and last mile delivery vehicles – plus charging infrastructure, which is a key enabler for all sub-asset classes.


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