已发布: 3 二月 2014

Unemployment: Rising to the Global Challenge: An agenda for Policy-makers and Social Partners

This Report produced by the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Employment analyses the need for the global economy to grow in order to create jobs, and the need for jobs in order to sustain economic growth. Jobs and growth enjoy a symbiotic relationship. However, the global economic and employment outlook for the next year are not reassuring, even if the situation varies considerably across countries, with some suffering unbearably high unemployment rates, especially in some segments of the population like the youth. In this context, the case for action is clear. Against this backdrop, this Report presents a series of recommendations for governments, employers and trade unions.

This Report produced by the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Employment analyses the need for the global economy to grow in order to create jobs, and the need for jobs in order to sustain economic growth. Jobs and growth enjoy a symbiotic relationship. However, the global economic and employment outlook for the next year are not reassuring, even if the situation varies considerably across countries, with some suffering unbearably high unemployment rates, especially in some segments of the population like the youth. In this context, the case for action is clear. Against this backdrop, this Report presents a series of recommendations for governments, employers and trade unions.


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