已发布: 17 一月 2020

Two Decades of Impact: How Social Entrepreneurs Have Improved 622 Million Lives

The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship launches its 2020 Impact Report which showcases the collective impact of the Schwab Foundation social entrepreneur community. The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship was established 20 years ago, by Klaus and Hilde Schwab, as a platform to support an under-recognized movement of people who were developing innovative business models delivering social or environmental good. The Schwab Foundation community includes around 400 social innovators and entrepreneurs operating in more than 190 countries worldwide.

The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship launches its 2020 Impact Report which showcases the collective impact of the Schwab Foundation social entrepreneur community. The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship was established 20 years ago, by Klaus and Hilde Schwab, as a platform to support an under-recognized movement of people who were developing innovative business models delivering social or environmental good. The Schwab Foundation community includes around 400 social innovators and entrepreneurs operating in more than 190 countries worldwide.

The community has improved the lives of more than 622 million people in 190 countries; distributed $6.7 billion in loans or value of products and services to improve livelihoods; mitigated more than 192 million tonnes of CO2; improved education for more than 226 million children and youth; improved energy access for 100 million people; and driven social inclusion for over 25 million people for people with disabilities, homelessness or refugee status. Social entrepreneurship, as an organizational expression of social innovation, is the demonstration of alternative working models as we face the current challenges to our planet, our societies and our economies. By having a mission to engage all stakeholders in the creation of social and economic value, social entrepreneurs have proven how all stakeholders – employees, customers, suppliers, local communities and the environment – can benefit. It is a clear demonstration that stakeholder capitalism can indeed work and that systems can change.


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