已发布: 24 五月 2024

Translating Critical Raw Material Trade into Development Benefits

Demand for critical raw materials for the energy transition is soaring. Many countries are now engaging in state-to-state arrangements to encourage new project development and supply resilience in critical minerals. This white paper maps major examples of these arrangements.

Demand for critical raw materials for the energy transition is soaring. Many countries are now engaging in state-to-state arrangements to encourage new project development and supply resilience in critical minerals. This white paper maps major examples of these arrangements.

Developing countries play a major role in minerals sourcing and command a significant share in estimated reserves. Meeting the demand for energy-related critical raw materials could therefore be an important development pathway. However, increased mining activity needs to be done sustainably, and nations are eager to ensure they benefit from their natural endowments.

This new white paper explores elements developing countries could prioritize in critical mineral deals to drive increased economic development beyond extraction activities alone. It also looks at whether regional integration initiatives, such as the African Continental Free Trade Area, can be used to increase investor appetite in local clean technology value chains.


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