已发布: 13 九月 2022

Transitioning to a Quantum-Secure Economy

Quantum computing promises transformative simulation and modelling capabilities across a diverse range of industries. However, these advances in computational power will also introduce significant risks via the potential threat of disruption to some widely used encryption standards. While definitive timelines for both quantum computing applications and the associated quantum cybersecurity threats have not yet fully materialized, organizations must act now to evaluate their readiness to adapt to the quantum threat.

Quantum computing promises transformative simulation and modelling capabilities across a diverse range of industries. However, these advances in computational power will also introduce significant risks via the potential threat of disruption to some widely used encryption standards. While definitive timelines for both quantum computing applications and the associated quantum cybersecurity threats have not yet fully materialized, organizations must act now to evaluate their readiness to adapt to the quantum threat.

The quantum threat is expected to have a large and disruptive impact on the current digitally dependent economy. An orderly response is highly desirable over a reactive one. It is a business imperative that organizations start to think about what a secure quantum transition could look like and understand their cryptographic and data exposure to avoid disruption of business operations. The unknown timeline of this quantum risk – which could lead to a “not me, not now” response – may impose a more significant impact than is necessary. This white paper developed in collaboration with Deloitte, provides guidance for a secure quantum transition, which organizations need to embrace now to avoid playing catch-up with the technology.


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