已发布: 11 十月 2022

Transitioning Industrial Clusters towards Net Zero: National Policy Enablement for Industrial Decarbonization

Our new white paper reviews the legislated policies driving industrial decarbonization in a selection of ten nations across the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific, as well as the enabling mechanisms to promote a collaborative, market-oriented industrial clusters approach. Key geographies analysed include Canada, United States of America, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Australia, Indonesia, China and Singapore. The analysis presented in this white paper underlines the necessity of creating a secure environment for not only investors to trust the transition, but also for the employees and communities that exist in and around these industrial clusters and stand to benefit the most from this industrial transformation. This paper supports the Transitioning Industrial Clusters towards Net Zero initiative, which aims to accelerate decarbonization within industrial hubs.

Our new white paper reviews the legislated policies driving industrial decarbonization in a selection of ten nations across the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific, as well as the enabling mechanisms to promote a collaborative, market-oriented industrial clusters approach. Key geographies analysed include Canada, United States of America, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Australia, Indonesia, China and Singapore. The analysis presented in this white paper underlines the necessity of creating a secure environment for not only investors to trust the transition, but also for the employees and communities that exist in and around these industrial clusters and stand to benefit the most from this industrial transformation. This paper supports the Transitioning Industrial Clusters towards Net Zero initiative, which aims to accelerate decarbonization within industrial hubs.


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