已发布: 28 十一月 2023

Transitioning Industrial Clusters towards Net Zero: National Policy Enablement for Industrial Decarbonization – Part II

This paper, a second instalment exploring national policy enablement for industrial decarbonization, offers comprehensive analyses of legislated policies driving industrial decarbonization across ten countries: Brazil, Sweden, Portugal, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Japan, the United Arab Emirates and South Africa.

This paper, a second instalment exploring national policy enablement for industrial decarbonization, offers comprehensive analyses of legislated policies driving industrial decarbonization across ten countries: Brazil, Sweden, Portugal, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Japan, the United Arab Emirates and South Africa.

This analysis marks the Transitioning Industrial Clusters towards Net Zero initiative’s expansion into the Middle East and Africa, supporting an initiative community of 20 industrial clusters spanning 11 countries on four continents, with the potential to reduce carbon emissions by 626 million tonnes.

This paper delves into the policy incentives related to key decarbonization technologies such as hydrogen, carbon capture utilization and storage, systemic efficiency plus circularity, direct electrification and renewable heat. Highlighting the pivotal roles of governments, policy-makers and public-private collaborations, the analysis showcases global trends towards renewable energy, fiscal incentives and evolving carbon pricing in emerging markets.

Through detailed examples, the paper underscores the diverse approaches nations are taking, emphasizing the importance of cross-border collaboration and standards in driving the world towards a sustainable future.


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