已发布: 17 十二月 2024

Transforming Urban Logistics: Sustainable and Efficient Last-Mile Delivery in Cities

This comprehensive white paper, produced in collaboration with Accenture, addresses the critical challenges and opportunities presented to both businesses and consumers by the increased demand for urban deliveries. It outlines strategies and recommendations for enhancing sustainability, efficiency and innovation in urban deliveries, with the aim of reducing emissions, alleviating congestion and improving safety in cities.

This comprehensive white paper, produced in collaboration with Accenture, addresses the critical challenges and opportunities presented to both businesses and consumers by the increased demand for urban deliveries. It outlines strategies and recommendations for enhancing sustainability, efficiency and innovation in urban deliveries, with the aim of reducing emissions, alleviating congestion and improving safety in cities.

Targeted at global city governments, retailers, delivery companies and other stakeholders involved in urban deliveries, the paper serves as a call to action to adopt more sustainable practices, invest in infrastructure and pioneer innovative solutions. By promoting collaboration among public- and private-sector stakeholders, it sets out to accelerate the transition to more sustainable urban logistics, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for urban residents.


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