已发布: 9 一月 2024

Transforming Healthcare: Navigating Digital Health with a Value-Driven Approach

This insight report provides a blueprint for the Digital Healthcare Transformation Initiative, detailing healthcare challenges that digital solutions can tackle, key enablers for adoption, success stories and strategies to expedite digital healthcare transformation.

This insight report provides a blueprint for the Digital Healthcare Transformation Initiative, detailing healthcare challenges that digital solutions can tackle, key enablers for adoption, success stories and strategies to expedite digital healthcare transformation.

Digital technologies and artificial intelligence have begun to influence healthcare, yet a transformative impact on global healthcare systems remains elusive. Challenges such as resource limitations, chronic disease burdens, and unequal care access and outcomes persist.

For digital health solutions to scale and address these issues, collaboration among healthcare stakeholders is essential. Global initiatives have emerged to enhance digital health benefits and remove obstacles, achieving notable progress. To further accelerate this impact through collaborative efforts, the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Health and Healthcare and the Boston Consulting Group have initiated the Digital Healthcare Transformation Initiative to facilitate public-private engagement on digital health and data.


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