已发布: 2 三月 2018

Transformation of the Global Energy System

As an integral part of the World Economic Forum System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Energy, the Global Future Council on Energy provides vision and thought leadership. Since 2016, the Council has been looking at the forces transforming the production, demand and impact of the energy industries. It has focused on the profound technological changes, which may completely transform the energy system, creating opportunities along with significant challenges.

As an integral part of the World Economic Forum System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Energy, the Global Future Council on Energy provides vision and thought leadership. Since 2016, the Council has been looking at the forces transforming the production, demand and impact of the energy industries. It has focused on the profound technological changes, which may completely transform the energy system, creating opportunities along with significant challenges.

Here the Forum offers insights into what has been learned, along with four specific actions that its community might consider in coming years to help corporate leaders and policy-makers grapple with the implications of massive technological change.


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