已发布: 29 九月 2011

Trailblazers, Shapers and Innovators - Models of Success from the Community of Global Growth Companies - Portuguese

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the founding of the World Economic Forum’s Community of Global Growth Companies (GGCs). During the past five years, we have witnessed the emergence of a new generation of economic leaders.Recognizing their importance, the Community engages those players that, in addition to showing consistently high growth rates, act as disruptors of traditional industries through their new technologies and innovative business models. GGC members come from both fast growing emerging markets and established economies.As of August 2011, the Community includes more than 310 members from 70 countries and various regions. Membership is by invitation only, reviewed by a committee that applies strict selection criteria, and limited to 50 new companies globally each year. Eligible companies generally have a turnover between US$ 100 million and US$ 5 billion, and consistent annual growth rates exceeding industry and regional averages. Importantly, GGC members are building a global business beyond their traditional markets and are committed to having a positive effect on the economies and societies in which they operate.To illustrate the diversity, richness and best practices of the Community, we are delighted to share the profiles of 24 Community members in the second edition of Trailblazers, Shapers and Innovators.The World Economic Forum is proud of the Global Growth Company Community. We are confident that these new champions will fully leverage the platform that the Forum provides to them, and that they will make a strong commitment to our mission to improve the state of the world.

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the founding of the World Economic Forum’s Community of Global Growth Companies (GGCs). During the past five years, we have witnessed the emergence of a new generation of economic leaders.Recognizing their importance, the Community engages those players that, in addition to showing consistently high growth rates, act as disruptors of traditional industries through their new technologies and innovative business models. GGC members come from both fast growing emerging markets and established economies.As of August 2011, the Community includes more than 310 members from 70 countries and various regions. Membership is by invitation only, reviewed by a committee that applies strict selection criteria, and limited to 50 new companies globally each year. Eligible companies generally have a turnover between US$ 100 million and US$ 5 billion, and consistent annual growth rates exceeding industry and regional averages. Importantly, GGC members are building a global business beyond their traditional markets and are committed to having a positive effect on the economies and societies in which they operate.To illustrate the diversity, richness and best practices of the Community, we are delighted to share the profiles of 24 Community members in the second edition of Trailblazers, Shapers and Innovators.The World Economic Forum is proud of the Global Growth Company Community. We are confident that these new champions will fully leverage the platform that the Forum provides to them, and that they will make a strong commitment to our mission to improve the state of the world.


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