已发布: 25 六月 2024

Towards Green Building Value Chains: China and Beyond

Buildings are responsible for 37% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and 34% of the earth’s species are enduring habitat loss as a result of urban development. The building sector’s value chain is also fragmented, making its green transition more complex. As emerging economies continue to urbanize over the coming decades, the building value chain must be mobilized to meet net-zero, nature-positive targets. This is also important for building resilience, and ensuring human well-being. This report offers 11 strategic levers for greening the value chains of the building sector.

Buildings are responsible for 37% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and 34% of the earth’s species are enduring habitat loss as a result of urban development. The building sector’s value chain is also fragmented, making its green transition more complex. As emerging economies continue to urbanize over the coming decades, the building value chain must be mobilized to meet net-zero, nature-positive targets. This is also important for building resilience, and ensuring human well-being. This report offers 11 strategic levers for greening the value chains of the building sector.


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