已发布: 15 十二月 2021

Time to Act: Investing in Addressing Social Determinants to Improve Health

With health disparities increasing around the globe, it is time that all stakeholders, including the private sector, contribute to solutions that improve the conditions that drive health outcomes. While access to quality medical care plays an important role in preserving health, what happens outside the healthcare setting has a much greater influence over one’s ability to live a long, healthy and high-quality life. These factors are collectively known as the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH). Reducing global disease and creating healthier, more productive societies, mainly through interventions targeted at addressing SDoH, could add $12 trillion to global GDP by 2040.

With health disparities increasing around the globe, it is time that all stakeholders, including the private sector, contribute to solutions that improve the conditions that drive health outcomes. While access to quality medical care plays an important role in preserving health, what happens outside the healthcare setting has a much greater influence over one’s ability to live a long, healthy and high-quality life. These factors are collectively known as the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH). Reducing global disease and creating healthier, more productive societies, mainly through interventions targeted at addressing SDoH, could add $12 trillion to global GDP by 2040.

This paper provides the building blocks to help private sector players invest in initiatives that address social determinants of health concerns in their communities. Through analysis of pioneering initiatives, the paper extrapolates key overarching guidelines and principles, as well as steps for design planning, implementation and monitoring.


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