已发布: 16 一月 2025

Thriving Workplaces: How Employers can Improve Productivity and Change Lives

Rising burn-out rates, chronic diseases and shifting work trends underscore the urgent need for workplaces to promote employee well-being. This challenge presents a significant opportunity – not just for improving individual health outcomes but for driving up to $11.7 trillion in global economic value.

Rising burn-out rates, chronic diseases and shifting work trends underscore the urgent need for workplaces to promote employee well-being. This challenge presents a significant opportunity – not just for improving individual health outcomes but for driving up to $11.7 trillion in global economic value.

This report explores how investing in workforce health generates measurable benefits for businesses, employees and societies. Drawing on research and case studies, it examines key themes, including the impact of well-being interventions, the economic value of improved productivity and the role of tailored interventions across industries and demographics. With a strategic, data-driven approach, organizations can transform workforces into healthier, more engaged teams capable of navigating the challenges and uncertainties of a rapidly changing world.

By embedding well-being into workplace culture and job design, leaders can align business goals with societal progress, creating lasting value for communities, economies and industries worldwide.


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