已发布: 6 十二月 2024

The Untapped Potential of Great Green Wall Voluntary Carbon Market Projects: Unlocking Opportunities for Sahelian Communities

Situated on the frontline of climate change and desertification, the Sahel is one of the regions most affected by extreme heat, land degradation and disrupted weather patterns. However, Sahelian countries also offer an opportunity for the private sector to invest in voluntary carbon market (VCM) projects that can leverage the capacities of local land custodians and accelerate impact on-the-ground for communities who need it most.

Situated on the frontline of climate change and desertification, the Sahel is one of the regions most affected by extreme heat, land degradation and disrupted weather patterns. However, Sahelian countries also offer an opportunity for the private sector to invest in voluntary carbon market (VCM) projects that can leverage the capacities of local land custodians and accelerate impact on-the-ground for communities who need it most.

A regional vision led by the African Union already exists: the Great Green Wall for the Sahara and Sahel (GGW) aims to restore over 100 million hectares of degraded landscapes and create 10 million green jobs across 11 countries. This initiative already includes successful restoration projects that represent an opportunity for further investment to accelerate and scale-up.

This paper highlights how investing in nature-based solutions in the Sahel – through effective, high-integrity, large-scale VCM projects – can achieve valuable commercial, environmental and social returns. The report highlights untapped potential of 1.8 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent across the region, delivering a carbon asset value of up to $28 billion at 2023’s market price, which is predicted to increase significantly.


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