已发布: 21 九月 2016

The Single Family Investment Office Today: A primer on structuring an investment office to achieve family objectives and societal value

The World Economic Forum and J.P. Morgan are pleased to present The Single Family Investment Office Today: A primer on structuring an investment office to achieve family objectives and societal value. This study is part of the World Economic Forum’s decade-long effort to illustrate how investors with a long-term outlook can make meaningful change in economies and societies. Family offices are an important stakeholder group in this space, as they are often driven by the values and outlook of their founding families. Because many of the families we work with have expressed an immense interest in all aspects of family offices, the World Economic Forum and J.P. Morgan offer this detailed analysis of their structure, objectives and status today. It reflects one of the largest and most diverse studies conducted on single family offices to date

The World Economic Forum and J.P. Morgan are pleased to present The Single Family Investment Office Today: A primer on structuring an investment office to achieve family objectives and societal value. This study is part of the World Economic Forum’s decade-long effort to illustrate how investors with a long-term outlook can make meaningful change in economies and societies. Family offices are an important stakeholder group in this space, as they are often driven by the values and outlook of their founding families. Because many of the families we work with have expressed an immense interest in all aspects of family offices, the World Economic Forum and J.P. Morgan offer this detailed analysis of their structure, objectives and status today. It reflects one of the largest and most diverse studies conducted on single family offices to date


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