已发布: 9 十二月 2021

The Rise and Role of the Chief Integrity Officer: Leadership Imperatives in an ESG-Driven World

The growing shift in corporate governance requires organizations to break down silos and create more deliberate alignment and collaboration across critical functions, including ESG/sustainability, public affairs, risk, ethics, human resources and compliance. This necessitates a stronger focus on the “G” in ESG.

The growing shift in corporate governance requires organizations to break down silos and create more deliberate alignment and collaboration across critical functions, including ESG/sustainability, public affairs, risk, ethics, human resources and compliance. This necessitates a stronger focus on the “G” in ESG.

Corporate governance is increasingly important for any organization wishing to establish and execute a coherent integrity agenda that encompasses its values, regulatory obligations and voluntary commitments.

Following interviews with experts from the Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) and the Global Future Council on Transparency and Anti-Corruption, this paper explores how leading organizations are reimagining structures, culture and engagement to support such ongoing transformation – specifically, the rise of the chief integrity officer.


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