已发布: 6 七月 2021

韧性指南:助力全球价值链 应对未知与颠覆

Manufacturing companies have been forced to adapt to COVID-19 and the challenges are far from over. An acceleration of megatrends including climate change, geopolitical tensions and emerging technologies calls for continuous upgrades of contingency plans. However, only 12% of companies are sufficiently prepared for future global value chains disruptions. The World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Kearney, has mobilized the global manufacturing community to identify measures that will build resilience across manufacturing and supply systems.

Manufacturing companies have been forced to adapt to COVID-19 and the challenges are far from over. An acceleration of megatrends including climate change, geopolitical tensions and emerging technologies calls for continuous upgrades of contingency plans. However, only 12% of companies are sufficiently prepared for future global value chains disruptions. The World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Kearney, has mobilized the global manufacturing community to identify measures that will build resilience across manufacturing and supply systems.

This paper summarizes insights from senior executives and public sector leaders and introduces the resiliency compass, a new framework for organizations to accelerate the resilience-building process and define the new priorities and actions needed to prepare for and respond to future disruption.


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