已发布: 14 十月 2020

The Post-COVID-19 Financial System

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a rapid transformation of the global financial system: Businesses, small and large, needed almost-instant liquidity, individuals embraced digital and contactless offerings at unprecedented rates, and governments were looking to disperse enormous aid packages to businesses and individuals alike. In this publication members of the Global Future Council on Financial and Monetary Systems highlight how the financial system has rapidly adapted to the COVID-19 crisis, provided support for its various stakeholders and transformed as a result. The authors also present their predictions for how the system might reshape coming out of the crisis.

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a rapid transformation of the global financial system: Businesses, small and large, needed almost-instant liquidity, individuals embraced digital and contactless offerings at unprecedented rates, and governments were looking to disperse enormous aid packages to businesses and individuals alike. In this publication members of the Global Future Council on Financial and Monetary Systems highlight how the financial system has rapidly adapted to the COVID-19 crisis, provided support for its various stakeholders and transformed as a result. The authors also present their predictions for how the system might reshape coming out of the crisis.


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