已发布: 12 十二月 2023

The “No-Excuse” Opportunities to Tackle Scope 3 Emissions in Manufacturing and Value Chains

This white paper serves as a practical roadmap for businesses navigating the intricate terrain of Scope 3 decarbonization and accelerating their contributions to global climate efforts.

This white paper serves as a practical roadmap for businesses navigating the intricate terrain of Scope 3 decarbonization and accelerating their contributions to global climate efforts.

Scope 3 emissions, which account for more than 70% of industries’ greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, represent a critical challenge. While many companies have set targets to reduce their direct emissions (Scope 1) and emissions from purchased energy (Scope 2), emissions within value chains (Scope 3) remain largely unaddressed. To tackle Scope 3 emissions at a much faster pace, companies need to take responsibility for emissions beyond their immediate operations and make profound changes throughout their products and business models, using emerging technologies and embracing new partnerships across value chains.

This white paper, produced by the World Economic Forum’s Industry Net Zero Accelerator initiative, in collaboration with Cambridge Industrial Innovation Policy (Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge), Capgemini, Rockwell Automation and Siemens, highlights 12 emerging opportunities illustrated with real-world case studies to drive the net-zero transformation of global value chains with “no excuses”.


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