已发布: 28 六月 2022

The Global Covid-19 Fintech Market Impact and Industry Resilience Study

As one of the largest empirical research undertakings on the effect of COVID-19 on the global fintech industry, the Global COVID-19 Fintech Market Impact and Industry Resilience Study draws upon panel data from 1,448 fintech firms from 192 countries. This study provides key insights into the medium- to long-term impact of the pandemic on the fintech industry, with special attention to fintech market performance, financial and operational performance indicators, reinforced demands for greater financial inclusion, and how government can support the quickly evolving fintech industry.

As one of the largest empirical research undertakings on the effect of COVID-19 on the global fintech industry, the Global COVID-19 Fintech Market Impact and Industry Resilience Study draws upon panel data from 1,448 fintech firms from 192 countries. This study provides key insights into the medium- to long-term impact of the pandemic on the fintech industry, with special attention to fintech market performance, financial and operational performance indicators, reinforced demands for greater financial inclusion, and how government can support the quickly evolving fintech industry.

This study follows the Global COVID-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study published in November 2020, which focused on the short-term effects of COVID-19 on the fintech industry. Both studies were developed in collaboration with the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School and the World Bank Group, and were supported by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Ministry of Finance of Luxembourg.


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