已发布: 23 十一月 2023

The G20 Digital Agenda: Cross-Presidency Priorities

The G20 Digital Agenda: Cross-Presidency Priorities white paper, co-authored by the World Economic Forum and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), underscores the importance of a cohesive digital strategy within the G20.

The G20 Digital Agenda: Cross-Presidency Priorities white paper, co-authored by the World Economic Forum and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), underscores the importance of a cohesive digital strategy within the G20.

This paper serves as a blueprint for sustained digital discourse across G20 presidencies, particularly those of emerging economies set to lead through 2025. It spotlights the necessity of digital inclusion, cybersecurity, investment in health and sustainability, digital infrastructure, and skill-building to navigate the digital future.

This document reflects a commitment to a secure, equitable and interconnected digital world, advocating for resilient and adaptable policies to meet evolving technological demands and complementing the existing work of the G20 on the digital agenda. The collaboration aims to forge a consensus on digital norms and encourage innovation, positioning digital progress at the forefront of global economic and social agendas.


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