已发布: 11 一月 2023

The Future of Industrial Strategies: Five Grand Challenges for Resilient Manufacturing

The World Economic Forum, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge’s Industrial Innovation Policy Group, and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, has identified five grand challenges for companies and governments to work on to address current global disruptions and inform the next generation of industrial strategies. Addressing the five grand challenges, as outlined in this white paper, will require collaborative action from leaders across the manufacturing industry, government, academia and civil society.

The World Economic Forum, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge’s Industrial Innovation Policy Group, and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, has identified five grand challenges for companies and governments to work on to address current global disruptions and inform the next generation of industrial strategies. Addressing the five grand challenges, as outlined in this white paper, will require collaborative action from leaders across the manufacturing industry, government, academia and civil society.


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