已发布: 18 一月 2024

The Future of Global Fintech: Towards Resilient and Inclusive Growth

This report, a collaboration between the World Economic Forum and the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, reveals new data on the rapidly evolving fintech ecosystem and the opportunities fintech activities are offering traditionally underserved consumers and businesses.

This report, a collaboration between the World Economic Forum and the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, reveals new data on the rapidly evolving fintech ecosystem and the opportunities fintech activities are offering traditionally underserved consumers and businesses.

With global fintechs reporting customer growth rates averaging above 50%, the report delves into an expanding industry characterized by innovation and regulatory complexities.

Research findings are based on a global survey of over 200 fintech companies across five retail-facing industry verticals and six regions. The publication presents actionable insights to public and private sector decision-makers to facilitate further responsible growth of the fintech industry.


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