已发布: 1 六月 2022

The Choreography Needed for Net-Zero Industry Transition

Global Future Council on the Net-Zero Transition releases two White Papers on the eve of Stockholm+50

Global Future Council on the Net-Zero Transition releases two White Papers on the eve of Stockholm+50

As many in the environmental community gear up for the UN high-level meeting Stockholm+50 on 2-3 June, which will mark fifty years since the UN's first environmental conference, the Global Future Council on the Net-Zero Transition is releasing two White Papers examining how industry can be at the forefront of building a low-carbon future.

This second paper picks up on the growing pledge to implementation gap when it comes to climate action and examines what type of choreography is needed to unlock the pace and scale required to meet net-zero goals. To this end, it considers three themes:

– Getting a more detailed understanding of the gaps to 2030 in the energy production, consumption and heavy industry sectors, so that the scale of the challenge is brought into clear view

– Identifying the obstacles that still prevent us from bridging these gaps and taking the breakthrough action needed

– Highlighting innovative models and mechanisms that could enable companies, countries and financial players to achieve faster and more efficient progress towards building the net-zero economy

The paper underlines the need for delivery platforms in each industry sector that would target and prioritise the low hanging fruit or first dominoes to get project pipelines off the ground at the scale required.


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