已发布: 12 一月 2008

Technology Pioneers 2009 - Talent for innovation: Getting noticed in a global market

2009 marks the 10th edition of the Technology Pioneers Award of the World Economic Forum. In the past decade, we have identified close to 400 of the most innovative companies in the fields of biotechnology and health, energy and the environment, and information technologies. They have contributed substantially to the progress of both society and business, and the world is better place due to their impact. We congratulate the 34 companies selected as Technology Pioneers for their remarkable achievements, and welcome them to the wider community of the World Economic Forum. 

2009 marks the 10th edition of the Technology Pioneers Award of the World Economic Forum. In the past decade, we have identified close to 400 of the most innovative companies in the fields of biotechnology and health, energy and the environment, and information technologies. They have contributed substantially to the progress of both society and business, and the world is better place due to their impact. We congratulate the 34 companies selected as Technology Pioneers for their remarkable achievements, and welcome them to the wider community of the World Economic Forum. 


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