已发布: 12 一月 2006

Technology Pioneers 2007 - Innovation reinvented: a more open approach

 The world is facing unparalleled challenges. How will we deal with issues such as the increasing demand for energy, ageing populations and the socioeconomic challenges and opportunities brought about by advances in information technology? The key to addressing many of these challenges is and will increasingly become innovation. The World Economic Forum’s Technology Pioneers represent the cutting-edge of technological progress within the sectors of clean/renewable energy, biotechnology/health and information technology. The companies have succeeded in combining a truly innovative problem-solving spirit with sound business acumen to create transformational technologies that hold the promise to change society at large. It is our pleasure to congratulate the Technology Pioneers 2007 on their truly remarkable achievements and welcome them to the community of the World Economic Forum.  

 The world is facing unparalleled challenges. How will we deal with issues such as the increasing demand for energy, ageing populations and the socioeconomic challenges and opportunities brought about by advances in information technology? The key to addressing many of these challenges is and will increasingly become innovation. The World Economic Forum’s Technology Pioneers represent the cutting-edge of technological progress within the sectors of clean/renewable energy, biotechnology/health and information technology. The companies have succeeded in combining a truly innovative problem-solving spirit with sound business acumen to create transformational technologies that hold the promise to change society at large. It is our pleasure to congratulate the Technology Pioneers 2007 on their truly remarkable achievements and welcome them to the community of the World Economic Forum.  


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