已发布: 20 七月 2023

Target True Zero: Government Policy Toolkit to Accelerate Uptake of Electric and Hydrogen Aircraft

The aim of this toolkit is to provide governments with both the opportunity and the options to help develop approaches towards accelerating the development of zero-emissions aircraft technologies as part of an overall decarbonization plan for the sector.

The aim of this toolkit is to provide governments with both the opportunity and the options to help develop approaches towards accelerating the development of zero-emissions aircraft technologies as part of an overall decarbonization plan for the sector.

This policy toolkit – created by the World Economic Forum and the Aviation Environment Federation, working together with other knowledge partners and stakeholders as part of the Target True Zero initiative – is designed to support governments in formulating their strategies. It provides a guide to setting and enabling a strategy, as well as summarizing a wide range of approaches to implementation. The work has been informed by early experiences of partnerships, collaborations and strategies in this field, as well as from lessons learned in other sectors.


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