已发布: 20 四月 2023

Target True Zero: Delivering the Infrastructure for Battery and Hydrogen-Powered Flight

Today, the aviation sector faces a significant challenge in dealing with the climate impacts of flying. But this challenge also presents an opportunity to realize a sustainable future aviation sector.

Today, the aviation sector faces a significant challenge in dealing with the climate impacts of flying. But this challenge also presents an opportunity to realize a sustainable future aviation sector.

New, zero-emission propulsion technologies can be an important part of the solution in promise of helping reduce the climate impact of aviation, but getting infrastructure right will be critical in allowing this new industry to take off – whether that means “on-airport” infrastructure, such as chargers and refuellers, or “off-airport” infrastructure, such as producing enough green electricity.

This whitepaper shares key insights about the infrastructure that will be needed to unlock zero-carbon propulsion technologies for aviation to help inform decision makers in industry and government about the future actions that will be needed.


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